legal consciousness, legal system, information society, information and legal spaceAbstract
Purpose: the article examines the essence and role of legal awareness in the formation of the information society. Factors influencing legal awareness are analyzed. Research methods: a set of scientific methods and principles was used in the work, in particular, the genesis and evolution of legal consciousness were studied with the help of historical-legal, comparative and logical methods, the structural method allowed to analyze the structure and types of legal consciousness. Results: the concept of legal consciousness, its type and structure are clarified. Legal consciousness in the theory of law is considered as a specific form of social consciousness, a system of reflection of legal reality in the form of legal knowledge, assessments, legal attitudes, values, which determine the behavior of a person in the legal field. In order to form a quality information society, it is necessary to increase the level of legal awareness and information and legal culture of the individual, to conduct educational work using effective mechanisms to influence legal awareness; formation of a positive attitude of the person to the law, the development of stable stereotypes of lawful behavior, which will further contribute to the reduction of offenses, respect for the rights and freedoms of citizens, the introduction of democratic principles of statehood. Discussion: search for ways to improve the legal consciousness of society. This indicates the need for further theoretical study of these issues, as well as the need to implement in practice measures that would eventually contribute to the formation of an appropriate level of legal awareness of citizens in the formation of the information society.
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