international financial organizations, the state budget of Ukraine, subjects of financial relations, external borrowingsAbstract
Purpose: study of legal aspects of public financial activity in Ukraine by international financial organizations. Methods: general scientific and special legal methods were used in the work. Results: it was concluded that Ukraine’s cooperation with international financial organizations contributes to the improvement of the economic situation in the country and opens opportunities for attracting international financial resources aimed at implementing priority projects for the development of our country. Discussion: analysis of their legal status, as well as their impact on the revenues of the general fund of the State Budget of Ukraine.
International financial organizations are one of the most important parts of the world economy and an important source of financial resources needed by countries for further development. Ensuring the maximum effectiveness of the state’s relationship with the World Bank for purposeful socio-economic development requires a careful analysis of interaction with this structure and revision of principles, forms and methods of cooperation for the future, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages.
In this regard, there is the task of studying the features of financial and credit operations of international institutions aimed at optimizing the functioning of the world economy in the process of its globalization. Being interested in obtaining the external resources it desperately needs, Ukraine has become dependent primarily on the International Monetary Fund (IMF). However, these conditions do not always take into account the specific interests of countries and their national specifics, which makes the relationship between the parties, especially with the fund, contradictory. Today, the activities of international financial organizations are one of the main factors of instability of the Ukrainian economy and the dependence of the whole country on the interests of creditors.
The urgency of the topic increases in connection with the study of public debt, because in today’s conditions, Ukraine’s public debt due to many factors, due to certain economic, political and social factors, continues to increase in scale. Under conditions of extremely acute social and economic problems, loans from international financial organizations are used mainly to cover budget deficits.
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