
  • Андрій Васильович Матвійчук Міжнародний економіко-гуманітарний університет імені академіка Степана Дем'янчука



deontology, deontological theory, values, deontological values, higher education, innovative education


Purpose: to conceptualize the place of deontological theory in the practice of modern national higher education. In order to achieve this goal, the nature and peculiarities of the theory of due are analysed, as well as the prospects for applying its principles and ideas in the educational process. Results: the theoretical nature of the research established the specific nature of the theory of due, principles and ideas of which become relevant in the context of the restructuring of social relations, the revision of values and value orientations, the practical implementation of which, among other things, requires reference to the categories of due, obligation, duty, responsibility, etc. Discussion: educational practice in higher education predicts not only freedom and democracy values engaging, but also creating the conditions for forming a system of imperatives socially acceptable personal (in particular, professional) behaviour.

The article deals with the place of deontological theory in the practice of higher education. The author explains his position by the specific nature of the theory of due, principles and ideas of which become relevant in the context of the social relations restructuring, revision of values and value orientations, practical implementation of which, among other things, calls for the categories of due, obligation, responsibility and so on.

The material presented above is obviously debatable as to the place of deontological theory in higher education practice. In no way denying the general trend towards the promotion by the higher education institutions of the ideas and values typical and standard for education and intellectual priorities of Europe, we insist on the need to address within the national education system the theme of the values of duty, responsibility, self-restraint in the interests of society, ie theory of due. Our position is based on the fact that deontological discourse is also an integral part of the European intellectual culture, and among the values of Europe, the already mentioned values of duty and responsibility, without which the universally recognized ideas of the rule of law and justness, are practically impossible.

Author Biography

Андрій Васильович Матвійчук, Міжнародний економіко-гуманітарний університет імені академіка Степана Дем'янчука

доктор філософських наук, доцент, декан Юридичного факультету


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How to Cite

Матвійчук, А. В. (2019). PLACE OF DEONTOLOGICAL THEORY IN HIGHER SCHOOL PRACTICE. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 3(52), 40–46.

