
  • В. Воскобійник Institute of Hydromechanics of NAS Ukraine
  • А. Воскобійник Institute of Hydromechanics of NAS Ukraine



vortex flow, velocity and pressure fluctuations, coherent structure, hemispherical dimple


The results of experimental researches of formation and evolution of vortex flow are presented into a hemispher-ical dimple, located on a flat surface. It is measured cross spectra of velocity fluctuation field over streamlined surface of the dimple and the plate and wall-pressure fluctuation field on streamlined surfaces. It enabled to de-fine  frequencies  of  rotation  and break  up  of  coherent  vortex  structures,  frequencies  of shear layer  self-oscillations,  low-frequency  resonance  of  self- oscillations  and  transversal  oscillations  of  vortex  flow  inside the cavity.


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Avionics and Engineering