aviation power plant, operation, parametric information, diagnosticsAbstract
The main task of operators is to maintain the airworthiness of aircraft by implementing the technologies outlined in the sets of documents attached to standard products.Engines, the main source of energy for flight, usually work in conjunction with many systems, each of which, in turn, is accompanied by instructions and manuals to ensure operability. In accordance with accepted practice, most of the disaggregated information is provided in text form. These forces you to remember the necessary data or constantly search for it in dozens of updated and replaced pages of the provided technologies, or create your own convenient techniques that allow you to conduct parametric analyzes and develop decisions on control actions to correct the technical condition. Using examples of power plants with turboprop engines, approaches to the development and application of step-by-step unified graphical generalizations of processes and control parameter values, combined with indications of characteristics setting elements, are proposed. For the full cycle of work, the article proposes the most convenient, applicable to different types of power plants, unified method for constructing compact representations of all information in a generalized form. Recommendations have been developed for monitoring, adjusting characteristics and making decisions on the prospects for further operation.The methods have been tested under operating conditions, having confirmed their convenience and effectiveness at different stages of operation, and can be recommended for inclusion in Flight Operations Manuals created by airlines in relation to the range of operating conditions of their aircraft fleet.
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