
  • Alex Khapchenko National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. Igor Sikorsky »
  • Alexander Lysenko National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Igor Sikorsky ”



audio navigation, navigation for the visually impaired, Wayfindr standard, NaviLens technology


The WHO estimates that there are now around 2.2 billion visually impaired people worldwide. This includes those with moderate or severe visual impairment or blindness due to uncorrected refractive anomalies (88,4 million), Cataracts (94 million.), Glaucoma (7,7million), Corneal opacity (4,2 million), Diabetic retinopathy (3,9 million), and Trachoma (2 million), and near vision disturbances caused by uncorrected presbyopia of the eye (826 million). However, one of the biggest problems they face is the difficulty they have in navigating independently outside their homes, including on public transport. Having analyzed recent research from the UK, it has been found that almost half of people with visual impairments wish they could move out of their homes more often.

The paper analyzed recent research and publications on modern visually impaired navigation systems. In between GPS navigation, such systems use a variety of beacons based on WiFi, Bluetooth, special pictures, and computer vision. Related applications that can help in the task of creating typhlo-technical solutions are analyzed. Among others, the system stands out created based on the open standard Wayfindr, which provides navigation systems with a single tool to provide visually impaired people with consistent, reliable, and smooth navigation. The results of its experimental testing in city conditions are studied, confirming its performance, efficiency, and compliance with the standard. The structure of the created application was considered and its comparative analysis with alternative technical solution NaviLens which uses special multi-colored pictures resembling QR codes instead of electronic beacons was carried out. It is justified the expansion of functional capabilities of the created audio navigation solutions based on the results of user evaluation and formed vectors for their further improvement


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Information technology, cybersecurity