
  • Ольга Володимирівна Мельник State University of Infrastructure and Technology
  • Олена Миколаївна Тимощук State University of Infrastructure and Technology



bunkering, bunkering equipment, trouble-free operation, probability of failure


The subject matter of the article study a process of failure work of bunkering equipment on water-transport. An aim is an increase of level of reliability of process of bunkering by determination of time of faultless work of technical equipments. The Tasks: to investigate probability of faultless work of technical equipments of bunkering, model the function of faultless work, expect intensity of refuses of technical equipments depending on time of their work. The used methods are a mathematical vehicle of probability theory and mathematical statistics. Such results are got. Investigated the bunkering of ships according to the technological scheme autofuel-servicing truck-ship as system that consists of totality of technological links (pump of autofuel-servicing truck, bunkering hose, locks) is investigational Reliability indicators defined of the system of bunkering that behaves to the systems of "safety" group indexes are certain, and basic factors that affect its functioning. In our research next principal reasons of refuses are considered disparity of equipment to the parameters of ship, absence of fuel, impossibility of realization of coaling through bad weather terms. On the basis of statistical data principal reasons of refuses are certain during realization coaling, the disrepair of equipment, related to the disrepair to the pump, behaves to that, to the bunkering hose or technical equipments on a ship that is bunker (locks). Probability of faultless work of technical equipments of bunkering, probability and intensity of refuses, middle work, is investigational to the first refuse of technical equipments. Conclusions. The scientific novelty of the got results consists in the following: the function of faultless work and corresponding values of probabilities of faultless work of technical equipments of the coaling system are modelled. Distribution of probability of casual size, that determines the amount of technical equipments that said no during time, is investigational. Intensity of refuses of technical equipments is expected depending on time. Middle work of technical equipments of coaling is calculated to the first refuse.


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Transport, transport technology