abrasive wear, soil, fractional composition of soil, size of abrasive particles, fatigue, destructive deformation, plastic-destructive deformation, fatigue crack, wear resistance, rheological parameter, rheological-fatigue parameter, fracture toughness, size of the region of nonlinear effects, cyclic deformation viscosity, strengthening, weakening, dispersion hardening, electric spark coating, acoustic emission, wear intensity, stress-strain stateAbstract
The results of the study of patterns of destruction and their influence on the wear resistance of low-alloy steel 65G in the unstrengthened state, as well as after strengthening by thermal and electroerosion treatment during movement in soils of different fractional composition, are presented. It has been confirmed that under such conditions the phenomenon of the presence of a critical size of abrasive particles (CPS) is realized on the wear surface. The role of the geometric size of the particles in the formation of the wear resistance of steel consists in the regulation of active deformation and fatigue phenomena on the wear surface by changing the level of force acting on it. The influence of the fractional composition of the soil on wear resistance is carried out through the rheological-fatigue parameter in the following dependence: the greater the rheological-fatigue parameter, the higher the wear resistance of steel. Therefore, the mechanical component of the contact interaction is decisive in the strength basis of the wear mechanism. Therefore, when choosing a brand of low-alloy steel for the manufacture of machine parts intended for operation in soils of different fractional composition, it is necessary to be guided by its ranking according to the rheological-fatigue parameter. The role of the fractional composition of the soil in the formation of the rheological-fatigue parameter is carried out mainly through the cyclic viscosity of deformation in the sublayer of nonlinear effects in the vicinity of the crack tips of the surface layer in the following dependence: the higher the cyclic viscosity, the lower the rheological-fatigue parameter of steel. The stress that is cyclically repeated during abrasive wear causes in the sublayer of nonlinear effects in the vicinity of the crack tips of the surface layer two opposite phenomena that occur simultaneously: strengthening and weakening. At the same time, the action of the weakening process in soils of different fractional composition is more effective than strengthening. In the region of the subcritical geometric dimensions of the abrasive particles, the intensity of hardening is significantly reduced due to the increase in the effectiveness of the hardening action due to the additional contribution of dispersion hardening. However, this does not entail qualitative changes in the wear process.
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