


steel P6M5, nitro-titanizing, nitro-chromizing, discrete laser treatment, friction, wear resistance


The structure, phase and chemical composition, microhardness, and microbrittleness of the surface zones of P6M5 steel after chemical and thermal treatment: nitriding followed by titanium and chromium plating are considered. Metallographic and micro-X-ray spectral analyzes of wear surfaces of P6M5 steel with different types of coating were carried out. It is shown the dependence of physical and mechanical properties of complex coatings and discrete laser treatment on wear-resistance. The analysis of the obtained data showed that azochromic coatings with additional strengthening by laser treatment of steel, which serves as a substrate for coatings, increase its performance in extreme operating conditions, excluding its crushing, chipping and peeling.

Author Biographies

 Myroslav Kindrachuk, National Aviation University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Applied Mechanics and Materials Engineering, National Aviation University

 Volodymyr Kharchenko, National Aviation University

head of laboratory of the Dep. of Applied Mechanics and Materials Engineering, National Aviation University

 Volodymyr  Marchuk, National Aviation University

doctor of Technical Sciences, professor Department of Logistics National Aviation University

Ihor Humeniuk, National Aviation University

 doctoral student, , National Aviation University

 Mykhailo Hlovyn, National Aviation University

 PhD student of the Department of Applied Mechanics and Materials Engineering, National Aviation University,

 Ivan Kostetskyi, National Aviation University

 PhD student of the Department of Applied Mecha-nics and Materials Engineering, National Aviation University


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