spur gears, conchoidal gearing, profile shift, convex-convex contact, meshing characteristics, teeth surface strength, gearing power lossAbstract
The article is devoted to the actual problem of increasing the performance indicators of machinegear drives. To solve this problem, in the article proposed to use a conchoidal engagement made with a shifting of the original profile and special contact conditions. A feature of the proposed engagement is that it is less sensitive to manufacturing and assembly errors compared to conventional conchoidal engagement. The performance indicators of such an engagement were observed. This made it possible to determine the level of load during experimental tests of new gears. Contact strength and meshing losses were selected as performance indicators subject to experimental verification. The ratios of these indicators, calculated for conchoidal spur gears with convex-convex contact, made with a shifting of the original profile, with similar involute ones, are experimentally observed. Comparative analysis of performance indicators was carried out for gears of involute and conchoidal engagement with the same parameters and shifting of the original contour. It was found that for experimental conchoidal drives with shifting, the maximum load is 1.2 times higher than that of a similar involute drive with shifting, and the loss in engagement is 21% less. A rational area of application of the new gearing is machine drives for high power transmissions.
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