
  • Сергій Сметанкін Херсонська державна морська академія, Херсон, Україна



epoxy oligomer ED-20, modifier, nanodispersed carbon soot, protective coating, implementation, formation technology


The composition of protective coatings for various functional purposes with improved operational characteristics for improving of the vehicle part’s reliability has been developed, investigated and described. Diane oligomer "ED - 20" with polyethylenepolyamine (PEPA) hardener, which allows materials to be cured at room temperatures, was used as the main polymer binder. The properties of epoxy matrix were amended by chemical, physical chemical, and physical modification. Chemical modification of the epoxy binder was performed by usage of the synthesized modifier 4,4 - sulfonylbis (4,1 - phenylene) bis (N, N - diethyldithiocarbamate) (SFEC). Carbon black (nanodispersed pigment black) CARBON BLACK PowCarbon 2419G was used as a physical chemical modifying additive. As a result of the studies carried out in the work on the adhesive, physical mechanical, thermal physical, dielectric properties and electrical conductivity of composites, a number of epoxy-composite materials have been developed for improving of the river and sea transport parts’ performance characteristics based on aluminum and low-carbon steels. A current spreading and antistatic protective coating with improved mechanical properties was received. New composites and the technology, based on their formation were introduced on the vessel “Triumph IV” of the ship-owning company "Avrey Commerce Ltd (Seychelles)” during its repair by Sigran LLC on the territory of the Kherson shipyard. This provided an increasing of the technological equipment’s parts’ corrosion and water-abrasive resistance by 1,9...2,4 times, a decrease in the frequency of restoration of defective parts of parts by 1,3...1,6 times.

Author Biography

Сергій Сметанкін, Херсонська державна морська академія, Херсон, Україна

PhD, доцент кафедри транспортних технологій та механічної інженерії, Херсонська державна морська академія, Херсон, Україна




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