
  • Віктор Войтов
  •  Антон Войтов



tribosystem; stability of tribosystems; seizure of friction surfaces; accelerated wear; tease border; accelerated wear border; robustness of the tribosystem; the robustness range of the tribosystem; tribosystem robustness criterion


The methodical approach in definition of limits of steady functioning of various designs of tribosystems in the conditions of maximum greasing, modeling of a range of steady work of tribosystems at a stage of constructive developments is developed. According to the results of theoretical research, the definition of robustness of the tribosystem is formulated. Robust range is a dimensionless quantity that characterizes the range of loads and sliding speeds, taking into account the design and technological features, where the wear mode is performed without damaging the friction surfaces.

Criteria for the robustness of tribosystems have been developed, which, unlike previously known ones, are not empirical and do not correspond to a certain type of structures or gears. The criteria are obtained on the basis of the theory of stability of technical systems and can be applied to a large class of structures. The boundaries of the values of the developed criteria are theoretically substantiated when the tribosystem loses its stability. The criteria make it possible to determine the loss of stability not only by scuffing, but also by the beginning of accelerated wear, which will improve the prediction of the reliability of tribosystems during operation. Structural and technological options for increasing the robustness of tribosystems are shown.

It is shown that the criteria of tribosystem robustness in terms of wear rate and friction coefficient should be applied in the design of tribosystems. By changing the design and technological parameters of the structure, it is possible to ensure the operation of the designed tribosystem in a given load-speed range without damage and with a given stability margin.

Author Biographies

Віктор Войтов

д.т.н., проф., завідувач кафедри транспортних технологій і логістики Державного біотехнологічного університету

 Антон Войтов

к.т.н., доц., доцент кафедри деревооброблювальних технологій та системотехніки лісового комплексу Державного біотехнологічного університету


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