hydraulic oil, antifriction properties, specific friction work, wear, microhardnessAbstract
The assessment of aviation hydraulic oils is carried out based on operational indicators in non-stationary conditions of friction. The research is conducted on the software-based complex using a roller analogy simulated the operation of gears in rolling conditions with slipping. It is determined that the oil «Bora Б» AMG-10 (production: LLC «Bora Б», Technical Specification Ukraine 19.2-38474081-010: 2016 with change 1) is characterized by more effective tribotechnical characteristics, in comparison with AMG-10 oil (production: LLC "NPP Kvalitet", GOST 6794-75 amended 1 – 5) for antifriction, energy and anti-wear characteristics. For oil «Bora Б» AMG-10, the average values of the coefficient of friction are 0.012 and 0.013 at oil temperature of 20 and 100 °С, respectively, the coefficient of friction is stable; the specific work of friction in the friction contact is in the range of 1055 – 7419 J/mm2, which characterizes operating conditions of the tribosystem with the average manifestation of energy processes in the tribotechnical contact. The findings suggest that the additives present in the oil «Bora Б» AMG-10, are characterized by more effective anti-wear properties and increase the wear resistance of contact surfaces in rolling conditions due to slipping by strengthening the surface layers of the metal during operation. Based on the analysis of the performance characteristics of hydraulic oils, the most significant indicators that affect the linear wear of the contact surfaces are determined and the empirical formula for determining this parameter is obtained. It is defined that the most significant tribotechnical indicators that affect the wear of triboelements in non-stationary friction conditions are specific friction work, friction coefficient, effective viscosity and volumetric temperature of oil in contact, and thickness of boundary layers of lubricant.
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