tribosystem, acoustic emission, informative frequency, informative amplitude, methods of diagnosis, wear rate, coefficient of friction, robustness of the method, correlation coefficientAbstract
In the presented work experimental dependences which confirmed adequacy of the developed mathematical models of formation of acoustic emission (AE) from a zone of friction of tribosystems taking into account design, technological and operational factors are received. The distribution of acoustic radiation into clusters with calculation of peak factor values of each cluster is substantiated. Dependences of change of values of peak factors of clusters at change of volume speed of wear and coefficients of friction are received. The correlation between the values of peak factors of different clusters and the wear rate and friction coefficient, which confirms the adequacy of mathematical models of the distribution of the AE signal into clusters. It is established that the cluster amplitude analysis of acoustic emission signals from the friction zone of the tribosystem at informative frequencies allows to identify surface processes during friction and wear, thereby increasing the robustness of the AE method. In this case, the values of the correlation coefficient of the parameters of friction and wear to the selected parameters of acoustic emission are within 0,8-0,96. Regression equations are obtained, which allow to calculate the values of friction coefficient and wear rate of tribosystems based on the results of acoustic radiation monitoring during online operation. Regression equations are able to adapt to the conditions of diagnosis by changing the coefficients that take into account the design of the tribosystem and operating conditions.It is shown that this analysis can be the basis for the development of methods for diagnosing tribosystems during operation. This will measure the rate of wear and friction losses, in the form of the coefficient of friction, at any time during operation and calculate the life of the tribosystem.
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