braking device, friction pair, metal friction element, friction lining, coolants, cooling systemsAbstract
Theoretical and experimental studies on the choice of coolants for forced cooling systems and the requirements for their designs for brake friction pairs allowed to establish the following. The choice of coolants for systems of forced cooling of friction pairs depends on their energy content and is determined by the share of heat by convective heat transfer in complex heat exchange with the environment. The heat carrier must ensure the energy load of the friction pairs at a level lower than that permissible for friction lining materials, based on their regulated wear and friction properties. The most effective are nanofluids, which are metal powders (Li, Na, Al, Cu, Zn, etc.) with a high coefficient of thermal conductivity, diluted in certain proportions with water, acetone, and other refrigerants. The research and development of the system must correspond to the modern level of braking, and the forced circulation of the nano-fluid in a different aggregate state, which increases-decreases and vice versa, convective heat transfer.
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