Tools for additional protection of user information in distributed computer networks




grid, information security, FPGA, additional protection, VOMS


The work is devoted to issues of cybersecurity in distributed high-performance environments based on Grid technology. In the development of the previous works of the authors, taking into account the new circumstances that have appeared recently, the principles of building additional hardware and software tools are proposed for protecting user’s confidential data and programs, both from external and internal attackers, including personnel of Grid infrastructure. At the same time, the proposed approaches do not replace, but complement and expand the standard information security capabilities of the Grid. The use of FPGA-based reconfigurable accelerators allows ensuring the efficiency and flexibility of the information protection tools. Several modes of implementation of the mechanism of closing user data are considered which differ in the degree of use of the standard capabilities of cyberprotection of the Grid. Each of the modes allows hardware as well as software implementation of the encrypting algorithms – both on the side of the user's personal computer and on the computing nodes of the distributed network. To manage additional data protection, it is proposed to use the functionality of VOMS servers available in the Grid system, which provide the functioning the virtual organizations.


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