Improving the functional capabilities of the walking robot model
bipedal robot, walking robot, model of two-legged robot, obstacle avoidance, two-legged robot with close to human parametersAbstract
Possibilities of improving the existing model of a walking two-legged robot in the MATLAB/Simulink environment are considered in order to bring the model closer to the real parameters of the human body and give it the ability to avoid obstacles.
The upgraded robot repeats style of human`s walking on bent legs. During the modernization, the built-in tools of the Simulink environment are used, and for the calculation and output of additional a posteriori information — the interpreted programming language MATLAB. Existing model was upgraded as follows: height of the robot was approximated to the height of human lower limbs complex with a height of 175 cm and now is 100 cm, total weight of the walking robot is 172 kg, additional six degrees of freedom were introduced to provide greater mobility to the robot, a script was implemented to determine the speed of the robot. Also, an obstacle in the way of the robot was added, an algorithm for obstacle avoidance with the subsequent continuation of the robot's walk in the initial direction was developed and explained.
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