Integratıon of technologıes of Internet of Thıngs and fog computıng
Internet of things, cloud technology, cloud computing, fog technology, fog computingAbstract
The article discusses the issues of integration of Internet technologies to Cloud computing and Fog computing technologies. In this case, the preference is given to Fog technology, by comparison Cloud. By the way, the devices of cloud technology are located at a great distance from the end user, bun the device of fog technology is close to the distance. For this reason, the integration of the Internet of Things to cloud technologies has disadvantages associated with the following problems: high delay, data security, network bandwidth, etc. To extract these disadvantages, this article suggests using Fog computing technology. The term “Fog computing” was proposed in 2014 by Cisco. In 2015, in collaboration with Cisco, Microsoft, Dell, Intel, Arm, and Princeton University, the OpenFog consortium was formed, and in 2019, it merged with the Industrial Internet Consortium. Taking into account the above, the article analyzes the shortcomings of the integration of the Internet of Things to the clouds, and examines the possibilities of implementing Fog computing technology, which is used to eliminate these shortcomings. A three-level architecture of Fog computing technology is described, which includes the end-user level, the Fog level, and the Cloud level. The principle of operation, advantages, and disadvantages of Fog computing technology are described. A comparative analysis of Fog computing and Cloud computing technologies is carried out. The advantages of Fog computing technology include low latency, savings in the use of “bandwidth”, access to real-time data from smart devices running on the basis of IoT, the ability to respond to all requests within milliseconds, the ability to temporarily store data in memory, privacy, security. And the disadvantages are noted-the occurrence of additional costs, limited scalability, the possibility of threats and architectural complexity. Next, the applications of the Internet of Things and Fog computing are considered, such as vehicles, smart homes, and agriculture or agronomy.
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