Methodology for testing languages for embedded avionics systems
information support, programming languages, meta-model, integrated modular avionicsAbstract
In this article, we have analyzed six test languages. Four proprietary languages have been identified that are currently used in avionics for cyclic testing of embedded avionics systems at different levels of integration and maturity of the system under test. We use the Eclipse Modeling Framework with the Ecore specialized modeling language to formalize various concepts of interest. This will allow us to access a number of existing tools to create custom editors, validators, and code generators. Test engineers will have a rich environment to define their own test models based on the meta-model. We propose to abstract from existing proprietary implementation solutions and work at a common design level. For this, mature model design methods exist and can be used. The proposed approach is to share high-level test specifications and automatically maintain the entire code design and production chain.
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