Overview and justification for choosing technology stack for data analysis system


  • S. A. Kudrenko
  • C. V. Zhuravel
  • N. B. Fomina




automation data analysis, Application Programming Interface, GraphQL, React.js library


The main advantage of the automation process is that it allows to reduce the amount of required memory, reduce the time for data processing, and reduce the number of copies of documents when updating information.

The choice of technologies for developing an application is an important stage which has been described in paper. Before developing the analyze data system, the requirements should be carefully prepared and described. A well-chosen combination of technologies should ensure comfortable work in the future at all stages of the application's existence

Obviously, the technology stack should be easily scalable, functional, correspond the latest market trends. It should meet the most modern features. Most importantly, it has to be easily supported in the future by other developers.

React.js has a capacious and understandable API. To work with React, it is necessary to understand a number of terms and the differences between them. The TypeScript language is one of the most popular technologies of recent years, both in Frontend and Backend development. Its popularity continues to grow and it is at the heart of many projects. GraphQL is a query and data manipulation language for APIs. The name D3 itself stands for data driven documents and focuses on data management.


Johnson, Nicholas."Introduction to Flux – React Exercise" [Electronic resource]. Access mode: http://nicholasjohnson.com/react/course/exercises/flux/.

A JavaScript library for building user interfaces [Electronic resource]. Access mode: https://reactjs.org/.

Anders Hejlsberg. What is TypeScript and why with Anders Hejlsberg [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.hanselminutes.com.

[Electronic resource]. Access mode: https://graphql.org/.

"Why use GraphQL, good and bad reasons". Honest Engineering. 4 August 2018. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: https://honest.engineering/posts/why-use-graphql-good-and-bad-reasons

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