Model of detection PR-impact by means of Internet mass media
information space, information flow, informational impact, information operation, detection method PR-impact, thematic trend, thematic vector, complex networksAbstract
The information space formed by the information thread of publications in the Internet of mass media is examined. The basis of work is hypothesis of about distinction of trends of thematic informative threads of type of the impartial informing and «PR-impact» in characteristics space of linguistic attributes. Showed a method for the distribution of the total flow of information on the components of the thematic threads, and a method of defining thematic streams with linguistic attributes «PR-influence». Cited data of preliminary empirical researches allow to estimate border terms for a decision-making in relation to an index presence of «PR-impact» of thematic thread. An analysis the results shows the presence of connection of the separate thematic trends got as a result of application of our method. This fact opens possibilities of theory of difficult networks for the reconstruction of topology of the real informative space and realization of analysis of informative threads.References
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