


biometric authentication, person recognition, face image, iris of the eye, neural network, critical infrastructure object


The problematics of the article is related to increasing the effectiveness of biometric authentication systems for personnel of critical infrastructure facilities. It is shown that the prospects of increasing efficiency should be correlated with the improvement of neural network tools used in the process of biometric authentication. As a result of the conducted research, a modular neural network model was developed that provides effective authentication of personnel based on the image of the face and the iris of the eye at a critical infrastructure facility, taking into account the need to recognize spoofing attacks and promptly update data on the list of legitimate personnel representatives of the facility. The novelty of the proposed modular neural network model consists in the application of the author's variants of neural networks, which allow to realize the recognition of the emotional state of the registered person, the recognition of spoofing attacks based on the naturalness of emotions and images of background objects characteristic of specific conditions of video registration, and the recognition of a person by comparing the test image faces with images of the faces of legitimate personnel, which makes it possible to quickly respond to a change in the list of legitimate personnel representatives of a critical infrastructure object without the need to retrain the model.


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