


voice information, symmetric cryptographic system, scientific problem, differential transformations, regularization, encryption key, Fredholm integral equation of the first kind


In recent years, the number of challenges and threats to modern information technologies has been steadily increasing. The security situation is further complicated by the fact that, in the context of armed conflict, cyber threats acquire a hybrid nature.The hybridity of cyber threats manifests in the impact of one threat on a single security service across all security components simultaneously. For instance, when voice information circulates within an information technology system, the impact on a property such as confidentiality simultaneously affects various security components, including information security, data security, and cybersecurity. Therefore, in the current conditions, it is crucial to enhance existing mechanisms or develop new ones to ensure the security of voice information. Existing approaches to protecting voice information are primarily based on the use of cryptographic algorithms implemented in symmetric or asymmetric cryptographic systems. Given the relatively higher speed of symmetric cryptographic systems compared to asymmetric ones, they continue to be preferred for protecting voice information. However, they are also susceptible to modern cryptanalytic methods. Therefore, it is crucial to find an unconventional and non-trivial cryptographic algorithm that will implement an effective symmetric cryptographic system for protecting voice information. Based on the above, the article presents the formalized scientific problem statement for the development of a symmetric cryptographic system for protecting voice information. Its features are expected to be: first, the use of the Fredholm integral equation of the first kind as the cryptographic algorithm; second, the use of its kernel as the encryption key; third, the information to be encrypted should be voice information in the form of an analogue signal; fourth, the use of differential transformations by Academician H. Pukhov of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in the encryption and decryption process; fifth, the application of A. Tikhonov's regularization method for decrypting ciphertext from the original voice information in the form of a differential spectrum.Requirements for the development of a symmetric cryptographic system for protecting voice information based on differential transformations are proposed. These requirements relate to guaranteed theoretical and practical cryptographic strength. To meet these requirements, the essence and content of the scientific task being solved in the article have been defined. Its formalized statement is presented.


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