Synthesis of group operations strong stable cryptographic encode for construction stream cipher
stream encryption, two-bit operations, strict stable coding, two-operand operations, cryptographic resistanceAbstract
In this article a study was conducted of the possibility of synthesizing groups of two-bit operations that meet the requirements of strict stable coding for stream ciphering up to permutation with the restriction of two-bit operations. According to the results of the study, a group of two-digit operations of strict stable cryptographic coding with a permutation accuracy was synthesized. It is determined that the implementation of single-operand operations in stream encryption systems can only be carried out by combining them into a two-operand operation, in which the choice of the operation of the first operand will be determined by the second operand. Transformation of the received operations was carried out to simplify their presentation. For this, the technology of construction of two-operand operations of cryptographic transformation of information was applied. The interrelationships between operations in their application for direct and inverse crypto-transformation are established. The use of a synthesized group of operations to improve the method of improving the stability and reliability of stream ciphers will increase the variability of the algorithm and maximize the uncertainty of the encryption results, since each bit of the original information will be changed with one-second probability.References
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