


information and communication technology, information security, neural network, artificial electronic accounts, social network model, artificial intelligence, target audience, psychological influence, information operation


In the conditions of the information war waged by Russia against Ukraine, artificial electronic accounts (bots) are actively used in social networks to exert psychological influence during information operations. Taking into account the experience of repelling the large-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, we can conclude that the psychological impact of bots on real agents of social networks requires detailed research. This article examines the psychological impact of artificial electronic accounts (bots) supplemented by neural networks on agents of social networks using information technologies in the context of conducting information operations. In modern conditions, social networks are used for direct and indirect psychological influence on the consciousness, subconsciousness and emotional state of the enemy's target audience. With the development of modern technologies, agents of social networks systematically, using neural networks, create posts, stories, online broadcasts, distribute video and audio materials. The research aims to determine the peculiarity of psychological influence with the help of bots on the formation of opinions of real agents of social networks. The work considers the use of bots for the distribution of manipulative, special information, as well as the formation of an echo chamber and filtered information. Peculiarities of using neural network tools and natural language processing techniques by bots for psychological influence during information operations. To study the peculiarities and regularities of the psychological influence of bots on the structure and dynamics of changes in the behavior of real agents of social networks, it is necessary to conduct an analysis of mathematical models of random graphs and information transmission. Taking into account the results of the analysis, a classification of the consequences of psychological influence on agents of social networks was carried out in the form of a scheme, which is shown in the figure.


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Cybersecurity & Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP)