The features of formation modern furnitures of mass production


  • I. Kuznetsova
  • Y. Zalizko



Design, interior, form, furniture, technology, construction.


Accordance with ergonomic requirements, functionality, usefulness, ease is characteristic for modern furniture (excluding art design). Furniture in the context of this paper is a product of mass production, because the factors, which are affecting the formation of furniture, are production conditions and use materials. Construction and exterior view furniture, the shape of the product, its quality, strength and durability depends from these factors. Color is important for the formation of furniture. Artistic image is important in the process of designing furniture.


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How to Cite

Kuznetsova, I., & Zalizko, Y. (2014). The features of formation modern furnitures of mass production. Theory and Practice of Design, (6), 88–94.


