Interior design features of trucks and small vessels mess


  • І. Kuznetsova
  • Н. Shepel



Mess, interior, cargo ship, light-duty ship.


Design of a mess aboard ship depends on the vessel's construction features and the number of crew members. Attention is paid to the type of vessel and its displacement, which are interrelated and both affect the design of a mess. It was discovered that the interior design depends on such factors as placement of the mess within the area of the ship that may have or may have no portholes. A mess basically perform two main functions, regardless of the size of the ship, as an area where personnel eat and a place for meetings.


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How to Cite

Kuznetsova І., & Shepel Н. (2014). Interior design features of trucks and small vessels mess. Theory and Practice of Design, (5), 82–87.


