Trends shaping compositional center of Lutsk in the context of its historical development


  • I. G. Abramyuk Lutsk natsіonalny tehnіchny unіversitet, Lutsk



Urban interior space, compositional center of the historical integrity of the environment.


The paper outlines the principles of emergence and development of the central part of the city of Lutsk, as the main administrative, civil and commercial focus. Identified means of architectural expression and buildings in the area that formed over several centuries and created its authentic interior, as well as any problems and prospects of further development of historical and modern city center as urban complex.

Author Biography

I. G. Abramyuk, Lutsk natsіonalny tehnіchny unіversitet, Lutsk

Abramyuk I.G., Candidate arhіtekturi senior vikladach Lutsk natsіonalny tehnіchny unіversitet, Lutsk, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Abramyuk, I. G. (2013). Trends shaping compositional center of Lutsk in the context of its historical development. Theory and Practice of Design, (4), 12–17.


