Manors of the central Ukraine in the history and culture of the slavic people: problems of preservation and prospect of use as tourist objects


  • L. Tomilovich Pam'yatkoohoronnyh SRI research Kyiv



Homestead, central Ukraine, history, culture, tourism potential, conservation, preservation.


The history, stylistic touches and degree of maintenance of historical farmsteads of the Central Ukraine are considered. The most essential problems, which touch research, are analyzed, used and guard of it as monuments, that allows to draw a conclusion in relation to meaningfulness of such constituent of cultural legacy of Ukraine as farmstead, them considerable scientific, educational and tourist potential.

Author Biography

L. Tomilovich, Pam'yatkoohoronnyh SRI research Kyiv

Tomilovich L. Ph.D., Deputy Director, Pam'yatkoohoronnyh SRI research Kyiv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Tomilovich, L. (2013). Manors of the central Ukraine in the history and culture of the slavic people: problems of preservation and prospect of use as tourist objects. Theory and Practice of Design, (3), 151–159.


