Manor housing Lutsk prewar period arkhitekturno in the context of the city-art


  • I. Abramyuk Lutsk natsіonalnytehnіchny unіversitet, m Lutsk



Manor house, planning and designs, style, composition facades, expressive means.


This publication deals with the problem of formation and development manor home in Lutsk during XVII - beginning of XX century. And the definition of its planning, design and stylistic characteristics. The features inherent in the architecture of the manor housing formed in the context of the overall development of the city and relevance in contemporary architecture.

Author Biography

I. Abramyuk, Lutsk natsіonalnytehnіchny unіversitet, m Lutsk

Abramyuk І.G., Lutsk natsіonalnytehnіchny unіversitet, m Lutsk, Ukraine


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Delo o nedvizhimom imuschestve Zlotskogo Frantsishika. - Gosudarstvennyiy arhiv Volyinskoy oblasti. - Spr. 1134. - 23 s. - (Fond Tehnicheskogo otdela #158, opisanie 4).

Delo o nedvizhimom imuschestve Trippenbah Evgenii. - Gosudarstvennyiy arhiv Volyinskoy oblasti. - 23 s. - (Fond Tehnicheskogo otdela #158, opisanie 4).

Delo ob usadbe Kronshteyn Minyi. - Gosudarstvennyiy arhiv Volyinskoy oblasti. - Spr. 1090. - 33 s. - (Fond Tehnicheskogo otdela #158, opisanie 4).

Delo o nedvizhimom imuschestve Gruma Katsa. - Gosudarstvennyiy arhiv Volyinskoy oblasti. - Spr. 225. - 108 s. - (Fond Tehnicheskogo otdela #158, opisanie 4).

Delo o nedvizhimom imuschestve Tsvika Andzheya i Marii. - Gosudarstvennyiy arhiv Volyinskoy oblasti. - Spr. 269. - 108 s. - (Fond Tehnicheskogo otdela #158, opisanie 4).

Delo o nedvizhimom imuschestve Nugler Vesyi i Lei. - Gosudarstvennyiy arhiv Volyinskoy oblasti. - Spr. 43. - 52 s. - (Fond Tehnicheskogo otdela #158, opisanie 4).

Delo o nedvizhimom imuschestve Kunshinov Marii i Mihala. - Gosudarstvennyiy arhiv Volyinskoy oblasti. - Spr. 35. - 68 s. - (Fond Tehnicheskogo otdela #158, opisanie 4).

Delo o nedvizhimom imuschestve Krishtazheb Leyzora i Gorandli. - Gosudarstvennyiy arhiv Volyinskoy oblasti. - Spr. 103. - 199 s. - (Fond Tehnicheskogo otdela #158, opisanie 4).



How to Cite

Abramyuk, I. (2012). Manor housing Lutsk prewar period arkhitekturno in the context of the city-art. Theory and Practice of Design, (2), 3–8.


