green roofs, gardens, roof gardens, landscaping.Abstract
At the moment, when we are talking about war, building something on the tops of buildings is dangerous and risky. On the other hand, the phenomenon of "green roofs", which in recent years has already become popular abroad, can play a significant role in the country's economy in the post-war period. The hostilities have caused a lot of damage to nature and its ecosystem. Now, a large number of land plots are at risk due to the risk of remnants of active shells on the surface. After all, until the moment of their removal, they are still able to perform their functions. That is why growing some crops on your roof, away from unmined areas, would be a safe and environmentally friendly alternative. This is especially true for city dwellers, and specifically residents of high-rise buildings. The article discusses the following topics: green roofs and their purpose, the history of green gardens, and the positive and negative aspects of greening roofs Purpose. To analyze the phenomenon of green roofs as a universal method of planting plants in large cities, the use of roof areas and their benefits for the ecosystem, to introduce the positive and negative aspects of growing on the roof. The methodology includes: a comprehensive analysis and generalization of the available scientific and theoretical material to formulate relevant conclusions and recommendations. The following methods of scientific knowledge were used during the study: terminological, logical-semantic, functional, systemic-structural, logical-normative. Results. Green gardens are a rather useful and attractive roof decoration, which has repeatedly attracted people's attention, even in different periods of history.. But, before creating your own eco-corner, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with all the requirements and conditions for its cultivation. Scientific novelty. The analysis found that roof gardens are not only beautiful terraces, but also a multifunctional method of decorating territories, especially if you follow all the tips for care and maintenance, something similar in your own home. Practical significance. The result of the study can be used as an argument for the design and landscaping of roof areas in cities.
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