phytowall, vertical gardening, phytomodules, urban planning, phytocinoses, urban heat island, psycho-emotional perception.Abstract
The article is dedicated to studying the impact of the implementation of green walls in urban landscapes to enhance the ecological sustainability of urban development activities. A review of the significance of vertical landscaping, the history of the creation of green walls, and examples of the use of green walls in urban spaces is provided. The study of foreign experience shows how practical and relevant this can be in Ukraine. The purpose of the research is to evaluate the potential of green walls in providing effective green zones, improving the microclimate, reducing air pollution levels, and creating a comfortable environment for city residents. Special attention is paid to the impact of green walls on the psychophysical condition of the population and the quality of life in the urban environment. The research methodology is based on the analysis of literary sources and archival examples of the implementation of green walls in various cities. The impact of green wall infrastructure in cities has been analyzed. The study showed that the implementation of green walls in urban infrastructure contributes to an increase in the number of green zones, a reduction in the urban heat island effect, and an improvement in the physical and psychological condition of residents. The article expands the understanding of the potential of green walls as a tool for green transformation in the urban environment, emphasizing the importance of integrating ecological technologies into urban planning. The study reveals the importance of creating accessible and convenient zones for physical activity in cities to improve the quality of life of the population and reduce stress levels. The practical significance. The results can be useful for urban planners, architects, urbanists, and ecologists in the design and development of urban landscapes. The implementation of green walls is an important step in the development of sustainable urban planning, which contributes to improving the quality of life and health of residents. Given the global environmental challenges, such innovative approaches have significant potential for ensuring sustainable urban development.
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