



book illustration, communication, book design, artistic and communicative means, polygraphic edition, visualization of an artistic work.


The purpose. The formation of the concept of design-projection of an illustrated edition of an artistic work as a means of visual-aesthetic communication, through the study of the influence of the historical development of the design of polygraphic editions on modern design within the Ukrainian book market. Methodology. The following was applied: systematic analysis to determine the place of modern book design in the historical context of the development of Ukrainian design; contextual analysis to determine the relationship between modern book design and the socio-cultural climate and economic situation of Ukraine; analysis and generalization of existing scientific works on similar topics; a descriptive-research method for the analysis of related works of art. Results. In the process of research, the general historical development of Ukrainian book design in the XX and XXI centuries (with a focus on the end of the XX – beginning of the XXI), economic and social factors that influenced book design were analyzed; information from previous studies was summarized; the artistic and communicative properties of modern illustration are investigated; selected pre-project research criteria that should be paid attention to when designing an illustrated publication. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the determination of the principles of book publication design, which includes the study of the historical, social, cultural and economic context and taking into account the artistic and communicative properties of modern illustration. Practical significance. The study can be perceived as certain methodological guidelines for a comprehensive approach to the design and layout of an illustrated edition through the prism of historical and cultural development.


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