monitoring system, graphic design, icon, color, style, layout, interface design, typology, design trends, human-computer interaction.Abstract
Abstract. This article analyzes the main concepts and the process of typology development, and also explores the application of typology in the field of interface design. Purpose. The aim of the study is to systematize the elements of monitoring system interfaces, such as icons and color characteristics, types of interface design, and to provide recommendations for further optimization of monitoring system interface design. Methodology. The study involved a literature review to examine the principles of monitoring system interface design. Additionally, a systematic analysis of 70 samples of monitoring system interfaces was conducted. The analysis covered the study of icon types, element placement on the screen, and the color schemes used in these interfaces. Results. The study generalized the types of monitoring system interface icons and characterized 10 common interface design styles, including linear rectangular, rounded corner linear, open, multicolor, gradient, overlay, linear surface, flat, skeuomorphic, and light skeuomorphic styles. It was found that the style of monitoring system icons evolves with system version updates and exhibits certain characteristics of continuity. From the analysis of monitoring interface layout design, 9 interface design styles with different layouts were summarized, which combine with types of Chinese characters for image processing, making the style more recognizable. A total of 90 HSB interface colors were identified. It was found that the most widely used and high-frequency HSB color range is 180° < H ≤ 240°, 0% ≤ S ≤ 20%, and 20% < B ≤ 40%, represented by dark blue. This interface color range can provide a theoretical foundation and support for design optimization for developers working with monitoring interfaces. Scientific novelty. For the first time, icon types and optimal color solutions for monitoring system interfaces were identified. The principles of interface design were further developed. Practical significance. Through the analysis of monitoring system examples, interface design elements such as icons, layout, general design style types, and high-frequency monitor color features were developed to provide informational support for the design of monitoring system interfaces.
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