



internally displaced persons, residential complexes, psychological comfort, social integration, modular constructions, energy efficiency, interior design, color solutions, landscape design, multifunctionality, adaptation, housing comfort, architectural solutions.


The features of designing internal spaces in residential complexes for internally displaced persons (IDPs) are highlighted, with a focus on the issues associated with creating these spaces and their importance for the psychological comfort and social adaptation of residents. Based on international and Ukrainian experiences, the article offers recommendations on integrating fortified and multifunctional zones, energy-efficient technologies, as well as color and ergonomic solutions that help reduce stress levels among displaced persons and facilitate their adaptation to new environments. Purpose. In 2024, amidst the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, the challenge of providing housing for internally displaced persons (IDPs) has become increasingly critical. This study focuses on examining and adapting international experiences in designing residential complexes tailored for displaced individuals during wartime. The primary objective is to create functional, energy-efficient, and psychologically supportive living spaces that facilitate the adaptation and emotional recovery of IDPs. Methodology. The research employs an analytical approach, investigating various international practices that include principles of fortified residential complexes, modular construction solutions, and effective color schemes that positively influence the emotional state of displaced persons. The methodology involves a comprehensive review of existing literature, case studies, and practical examples to derive applicable insights. Results. The study identifies key design elements essential for creating effective residential complexes. These elements encompass modular structures, multifunctional interior spaces, and ergonomic color solutions. Additionally, recommendations are presented for integrating communal areas that foster social interaction and facilitate the adaptation process for IDPs within their new living environments. Scientific novelty. This research introduces innovative approaches to the design of residential complexes for IDPs in Ukraine, taking into account their psychological needs and promoting emotional healing. It provides tailored recommendations for adapting international design practices, considering the unique local conditions, enhancing energy efficiency, and incorporating design elements that contribute to a supportive living environment. Practical significance. The findings of this study are intended for use by architects, designers, and government bodies involved in the development of residential complexes. The proposed strategies aim to enhance the adaptation and integration of IDPs into their new living conditions, ultimately improving their quality of life and sense of community.


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How to Cite

Malik, T., & Severenchuk, K. (2025). FEATURES OF INTERIOR SPACE FORMATION IN RESIDENTIAL COMPLEXES FOR INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS. Theory and Practice of Design, (34), 388–395. https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-8151.2024.34.42

