


land art, environmental art, Ukrainian contemporary art, art in conditions of war, festivals, symposia, landscape, environment, natural environment, artistic activity, Mohrytsia.


The purpose of the article is to study the specifics of the development and setting of new tasks for Ukrainian land art in wartime conditions, and to highlight the factors that contributed to the formation of the uniqueness of the artistic language of Ukrainian land art. The methodology of the article consists in the possibility of using the results of the work for further scientific consideration of the issues of the formation of Ukrainian land art, as well as for familiarizing Ukrainian artists with the modern arsenal of expressive means of environmental art. The results. The study is devoted to the analysis of the national land art in the system of Ukrainian modern art. In the study, for the first time, the factors of influence of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine in the context of the landscape and on the Ukrainian authors of land art projects are singled out. The activity of Ukrainian land art artists after the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia on the territory of Ukraine was studied, since, despite the forty-year artistic practice of land art on the territory of Ukraine, there is still a lack of thorough research devoted to the peculiarities of Ukrainian environmental art in art history. Articles in periodicals do not allow us to characterize the uniqueness of Ukrainian land art, which distinguishes it from the contemporary artistic practices of Western artists. Today, the artistic activity of domestic land art artists is deprived of annual festival cooperation in the natural environment, which forces the organizers to change the locations of the events, obeying the uncontrollable circumstances of today. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia on the territory of Ukraine, the vast majority of territories where annual Land art festivals and Symposiums used to take place have become deadly dangerous for their holding. The author of the article considered the activity of land art artists, limited in the conditions of armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and realized at the "SEE:UA" symposium in Austria. The creative works performed by domestic artists in the natural and urban environment of the Seestadt district in Vienna were analyzed with the aim of investigating the peculiarities of the development of Ukrainian land art after February 24, 2022. Scientific novelty. The materials of this article are published for the first time and consist in the fact that for the first time the artistic activity of domestic land art artists in the urban environment of the Seestadt district of Vienna in Austria has been investigated. Practical significance. Materials and theoretical studies of the work can become the basis for writing articles, scientific studies, works on the history of modern Ukrainian art, teaching aids, and will also be needed during the teaching of the history of culture and art in educational institutions, in particular, in the process of training artists. Research results and illustrative material can be used by scientists researching the history of domestic art. The theoretical research of the work is the basis for further in-depth scientific consideration of the discussed topic, in particular – the phenomenon of land art in the system of modern Ukrainian art.


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How to Cite

Lisova, N. (2025). REALIZATION OF THE UKRAINIAN LAND ART IN WARTIME AT THE "SEE:UA" SYMPOSIUM. Theory and Practice of Design, (34), 352–359.

