design, 3D scanning, 3D scanning methods, 3D scanning method classification, hardware.Abstract
Abstract. The modern development of 3D scanning technologies allows us to recreate the visible reality in the virtual world. For example, designers can experiment with digitised clothes in various graphic editors, changing their colour, material texture, etc. This allows them to review design options without wasting time on implementing the next iteration of the product, making their work easier. In general, 3D scanners can be divided into two types of scanning: contact and non-contact. The article reviews the well-known common methods of active and passive non-contact scanning. Their disadvantages and advantages are briefly described. Methodology. Based on systematisation and generalisation, comparative analysis of 3D scanner types, and information and research approaches. The results. The feasibility of using a smartphone as a modern tool for designers has been proven not only for photogrammetry today, but also opens up prospects for active scanning in the future. This is due to the constant improvement of smartphone cameras, the increase in their computing power and the introduction of new technologies, such as LiDAR / Time of Flight scanners in some models. The article lists the types of active and passive devices for three-dimensional scanning and describes the principles of their operation. The article provides a graphical representation of the layout of the working elements of active and passive 3D scanners. Based on the analysis of research, recommendations on the use of the device for scanning are given. Scientific novelty. The scanning methods are analyzed, the methods disadvantages and advantages are shown. Practical significance. 3D scanning technologies are analysed, recommendations for selection are given.
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