toy sales center, self-organization theory, age groups, design concept, optimization.Abstract
Goal. Justification of typology features, stylistic and volume-planning decisions, zoning and ergonomics of toy sales centers taking into account psychological and psychological indicators of age groups of target consumers. Methodology. Features of the problem, such as the heterogeneity and non-formalization of many factors, the uncertainty of their number, etc., require the application of the theory of self-organization of open complex systems, as well as methods of expert evaluation. Periodization of the life cycle and determination of age groups is carried out on the basis of the human life cycle model, based on the scenario of self-organization (1C, 1O). Certain dominant channels of human interaction with the environment correspond to age groups. The comfort of the environment is determined by: in general, the conditions of comfort of interaction with the environment; specifically, correlational dependencies between these conditions and possible design solutions. At the same time, the characteristics of potential, temperament, needs, psycho-emotional influence are taken into account. Results. Theoretical - correlations between the channels of human interaction with the environment, the structure of consciousness, age groups of target consumers, their needs, stylistic and other features of the design of toy sales centers. Practical – examples of correlations between the needs of focus groups and design concepts of centers and individual functional areas. Scientific novelty. Methods, models, correlations between the components of the toy sales center-designer-consumer system. Practical significance. Formalization and optimization of the definition of needs, selection and evaluation of analogues, substantiation of the design concept (relationship with the environment, general stylistic solutions, functionality, transformability, volume-planning solutions, provision of sensory comfort), optimization of design.
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