costume history, decorative decoration, men's costume, fashion of the 20th-21st centuries, cultural influence, stylistic changes, fashion accessories.Abstract
Purpose: to investigate the evolution of decorative decoration in men's suits of the 20th-21st centuries; to analyze the trends, stylistic changes and cultural influences that shaped the decorative elements of men's clothing of this period. The research methodology is based on the historical and comparative method of analyzing stylistic changes in the decorative decoration of men's suits. Includes a study of scholarly sources, articles, and monographs that describe the evolution of men's costume and its decorative features. As well as analyzes of images, fashion magazines, museum collections and exhibits that demonstrate the evolution of decorative elements in men's clothing. The results. It has been studied that the decorative decoration of the men's costume of the 20th-21st centuries evolved under the influence of historical events, socio-political processes and cultural development of society. The appearance of new decoration techniques and changes in the level of costume decoration, which is characteristic of each era, is established. It was determined that trends in clothing decoration, as well as general fashion trends, changed under the influence of the achievements of scientific and technical progress, especially the latest technologies and innovations in the textile industry. The scientific novelty consists in the identification of specific factors that influenced the evolution of the decorative decoration of men's suits during the 20th-21st centuries. For the first time, the evolution in the decoration of costumes of different periods has been systematized and characterized Practical significance. The results of the analysis of the evolution of decorative elements in men's costume will contribute to a deeper understanding of the socio- cultural changes that took place in society, as well as the role of fashion in these processes, which can be useful for teachers and students in the field of fashion, design and history.
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