color, psycho-emotional state, rehabilitation centers, interior design, rehabilitation, color palette, military patients, therapeutic environment.Abstract
Military rehabilitation facilities provide physical and psychological rehabilitation of veterans and servicemen. The article examines how the choice of color in the interior affects the emotional state and comfort of patients, and also provides recommendations on the optimal use of colors to improve the psycho-emotional state of military personnel in the rehabilitation process. Purpose. The purpose of the study is to determine the influence of the color palette as one of the design tools on the psycho-emotional state of military patients in rehabilitation centers. The study also aims to develop recommendations for the optimal use of colors in interior design to improve emotional comfort and accelerate military rehabilitation. Methodology. The research used a comprehensive approach to the analysis of the influence of color on the psycho-emotional state of military personnel in rehabilitation centers, which included the study of scientific publications and conducting a survey among three groups of respondents: military personnel, persons who were or are undergoing rehabilitation, and civilians. The results. The influence of specific colors (white, gray, blue, green, yellow, red, orange, purple, pink, blue, and black) on the psychoemotional state of military patients in rehabilitation centers was analyzed. The results of the survey of three groups of respondents and scientific data confirming the physiological, cognitive and emotional reactions of a person to color are taken into account. The study shows that color can have a significant effect on people with mental disorders, particularly depression, highlighting the importance of informed color choices in rehabilitation centers. Scientific novelty: The study expands the understanding of the influence of color on the psycho-emotional state of military personnel, in particular those undergoing rehabilitation. The work provides new data on the reaction of military personnel to certain color palettes, determining the differences in their impact compared to civilians, and also substantiates the psychological and physiological aspects of the use of color in rehabilitation interiors. Practical significance: The obtained results can be used to optimize the design of rehabilitation centers, contributing to the creation of an environment that supports emotional comfort and improves the rehabilitation process. Based on color guidelines, designers and architects can create interiors that help reduce stress, improve mood, and overall relaxation for military patients.
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