aesthetic component, Ukrainian culture, hairdressing, fashion, avant-garde, cultural identity, style in fashion, costume, hairstyle, make-up.Abstract
Aim. The article examines the role of the aesthetic component in contemporary Ukrainian culture within the context of the development of hairdressing art and fashion. The primary aim of the study is to identify the relationship between aesthetic changes and sociocultural processes in Ukraine, as well as to explore the influence of avant-garde elements on current fashion trends. Methodology. The study employs a comprehensive approach, including the analysis of scientific works, empirical observations, and expert interviews with representatives of the fashion and hairdressing industries. This approach allowed for a detailed analysis of aesthetic transformations and their impact on the cultural identity of Ukrainians. Results. The research revealed that the aesthetic component not only shapes an individual’s appearance but also significantly influences their spiritual and emotional state. The study provides a detailed description of how avant-garde elements in fashion and hairstyles reflect a desire for individuality and creativity. It also highlights that aesthetic values permeate all aspects of life, offering new forms of cultural expression in the context of globalization. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the article lies in its systematic exploration of the aesthetic component within the context of hairdressing art and fashion, with a focus on the specificity of avant-garde elements and their influence on the formation of cultural identity in Ukraine. The research emphasizes the importance of aesthetics as an integral part of cultural identity that interacts with social and political contexts. Practical Significance. The study's findings may be valuable for professionals in the fields of fashion, hairdressing, as well as for cultural scholars and sociologists studying contemporary trends in Ukrainian society. Specifically, the article can serve as a foundation for further research on the impact of aesthetics on cultural self-awareness and personal expression in a rapidly changing world.
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