Qing Dynasty, Dudou, underwear, artistic characteristic, form of design, pattern, color, innovative design.Abstract
Abstract. Рurpose. This paper analyses the artistic characteristics of Chinese women's Dudou in the Qing Dynasty, discusses the application form of Dudou elements in modern clothing design, provides theoretical references for the innovative design of modern clothing, promotes the inheritance and innovation of traditional culture, and realises the harmonious symbiosis of traditional culture and modern fashion. Methodology. The literature research method, case study method, and empirical summary method are used to analyse the current research status, morphological features, pattern themes, colour usage, and design innovations of women's Dudou in the Qing Dynasty. Results. Through the study, it is found that the elements of Qing Dynasty women's Dudou, such as modelling structure, pattern and decoration, material technology, etc., are the specific carriers of women's emotional expression, which centrally reflect the conceptual consciousness and cultural aesthetics of women at that time. The method and form of using the elements of the Dudou in modern clothing design are proposed. Scientific novelty. Comprehensively analyse the Qing Dynasty women's Dudou from multiple dimensions such as design, culture and art, revealing their rich cultural connotation and unique artistic charm. It proposes a specific method of applying the artistic characteristics of Qing Dynasty women's Dudou to modern clothing design, and verifies the feasibility and validity of the design method through empirical research and case analysis to provide empirical evidence for innovative design. Practical significance. Qing Dynasty women's Dudou carries deep historical and cultural connotations and unique aesthetic value, which is very inspiring to modern clothing design. By analysing the artistic characteristics of Qing Dynasty women's Dudou and their innovative applications, it will help the inheritance and development of Chinese traditional dress culture, and also provide new ideas and methods for the modern development of traditional dress.
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