


urbanization, urban space, social inequality, environmental problems,


The article is devoted to the analysis of the current challenges of urbanization and transformations taking place in the urban space in the conditions of rapid development of modern cities. The key problems that arise as a result of urbanization are studied, including overpopulation, environmental challenges, changes in the infrastructure and social structures of cities. Relevance: urban population growth, environmental pollution, reduction of green areas and social inequality require effective urban planning strategies and adaptation to modern changes in the urban environment. Goal. The study is aimed at analyzing the current challenges of urbanization and transformations taking place in the urban space in the conditions of rapid development of modern cities. The key problems that arise as a result of urbanization are studied, including overpopulation, environmental challenges, changes in the infrastructure and social structures of cities. Special attention is paid to the need to find optimal approaches to the management of urban territories, taking into account social, ecological and technological changes. Methodology. The article uses a comprehensive approach, which includes the analysis of statistical data, comparative analysis, expert assessments, as well as a review of scientific sources and international experience on issues of urbanization. The results. The main problems of urbanization have been identified: overpopulation, reduction of green areas, social inequality, outdated infrastructure, environmental challenges and the impact of climate change. The importance of innovative technologies for improving the management of urban resources and creating comfortable conditions for residents is revealed. Strategies for adapting cities to modern challenges by integrating ecological, social and technological approaches are proposed. Scientific novelty. The concept of sustainable development of urban areas, which takes into account the complex interaction between urbanization, spatial changes and innovations, has been developed. The importance of balancing economic, ecological and social interests in city planning is emphasized. Practical significance. The results of the research can be used to develop state strategies for urban development, modernize infrastructure, improve the efficiency of using urban resources, and create a comfortable environment for residents.


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How to Cite

Chemakina, O., & Dubyk, O. (2025). MODERN CHALLENGES OF URBANIZATION AND CHANGES IN URBAN SPACE. Theory and Practice of Design, (34), 146–153.

