



precast concrete, bearing capacity, structural reinforcement, bolted connections, anchors, embedded parts.


This publication provides an overview of the state of affairs in the field of precast concrete structures, considers the factors that hinder and limit the development of this area, as well as the factors that stimulate the introduction of precast concrete in the future. A comparison of the costs of arranging the connection of a precast concrete column to the foundation is made. The aim of the study is to determine the optimal variant of the connection between a precast concrete column and the foundation by performing technical and economic calculations of the proposed options at a real construction site. Methodology. Research methods: analysis of literary sources, design documentation related to the implementation of the connection of a precast concrete column with the foundation. Results. A comparison of technical and economic indicators, in particular the volume and cost of basic operations and materials (products) required to connect a precast concrete column to the foundation, was made on the example of two solutions that took place during the development of project documentation for the construction of the enterprise, namely: bolted connection of columns to the foundation and a column- to-pocket foundation. Scientific novelty. Analytical indicators are proposed that allow to apply the best options when choosing structural solutions for connecting precast concrete structures. Practical significance. The practical value of this study lies in the use of analytical indicators and a conceptual software package for analyzing and optimizing the design of precast concrete structures.


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How to Cite

Palyvoda, O., Horb, O., & Lapenko, O. (2025). EFFICIENCY OF USING BOLTED CONNECTIONS FOR PRECAST CONCRETE. Theory and Practice of Design, (34), 64–72. https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-8151.2024.34.8

