


concrete, construction mix, construction waste, recycled aggregates, waste disposal, alkaline cements, building structures, man-made waste, industry.


This article provides a theoretical analysis of the possibility of using recycled concrete structures as part of concrete mixtures. This problem requires special attention, because today almost 12 million have accumulated in Ukraine. tons of construction scrap, which is stored in temporary landfills and creates negative environmental risks. Considering this, our country has already reached the understanding that the remains of destroyed buildings belong to material resources that can be used in the construction industry in the production of materials. The goal is a theoretical analysis of the features of using recycled concrete structures as part of concrete mixtures. The research methodology involves the study of the impact of organic residues, combustion products, etc. in the composition of recycled aggregate on the properties of the concrete mixture and concrete based on it. The results. The implementation of technologies using recycled concrete structures in the composition of concrete mixtures will allow to increase the efficiency of using such materials for the construction and restoration of industrial complexes of the chemical, defense, agricultural and food sectors of the economy, as well as in the construction of infrastructure and special facilities. Scientific novelty. Determination of the processes of reducing the defectiveness of the structure of recycled aggregate and concrete based on it as a whole, careful selection of the binder when designing the composition of the concrete mixture, taking into account the increased defectiveness of such aggregate as a product of the processing of destroyed concrete structures, as well as taking into account the possible presence in its composition residues of organic compounds and combustion products. Practical significance. The practical value of this research lies in its potential for the development of the construction industry, which will open the possibility of disposal of large-tonnage waste of combat operations, and will also allow to expand the variability of obtaining concrete for various purposes.


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