



research laboratory, medical facility, water architecture, architectural design, project, construction, design, communications, features and principles, construction on water, coastal area, floating house, hydro-cities, amphibious structures


This professional article describes the features of the architectural and planning organization of a research laboratory located on water, lists a number of engineering and structural systems, summarizes the main stages of designing research laboratories, and also analyzes the domestic experience of construction on water. The goal. The goal is to reveal the peculiarities of the architectural and planning organization of the research laboratory when it is located on the water, to summarize and analyze the peculiarities of the engineering and constructive systems of the laboratory, having studied domestic and international experience. Methodology. The professional article includes the following research methods: methods of analysis of scientific materials and Internet resources, conceptual and implementation project solutions, generalization of domestic and international experience in designing and building objects on water, methods of classification and substantiation. The results. In the process of the research, the features of the laboratory design were described, conclusions were drawn and the main stages of the architectural and planning organization of the scientific research laboratory on water were summarized, applied to the design of scientific research centers, the formation of the design in relation to the surrounding water environment was determined. Scientific novelty. The structure of the stages and features of the architectural and planning organization of the research laboratory, which is located on the water, have been specified. Practical significance. The results of the research can be used to develop methodological recommendations regarding the design features of research laboratories on water, for the study of water resources and plants. The development of this research involves the transition to practice after analyzing the experience of specialists, that is, the creation of a scientific research laboratory on water within or outside of Ukraine.


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