



landscape design, decorative cereals, “green” design, “New Wave” garden, Miscanthus sinensis, Pennisetum alopecuroides, microlandscape


Purpose. The goal of this article is to analyze the features and prospects of using ornamental grasses of the genera Miscanthus and Pennisetum in the landscape design of urban spaces. Methodology. Methods of searching for information in printed and electronic publications, searchable scientific databases, as well as methods of data analysis, comparison and generalization, field surveys were used. Results. It is shown that ornamental grasses are gaining more and more popularity in landscape architecture, as their biological features contribute to their wide use in landscaping. The popularity of decorative cereals is especially relevant in our region, as the assortment of crops needs further replenishment with highly decorative and resistant to the conditions of transformed urban landscapes. Until now, cereals were not considered decorative in Ukraine. Global climate crises and changing microclimatic conditions of urban spaces also significantly affect the state and diversity of ornamental grasses in urban greening technologies, which actualizes the problem of researching the role of grasses in the development of the modern concept of sustainable landscape design or “green” design. The characteristic of the style flow of the “New Wave” garden is given, the peculiarity of which is that gardens are created using only grasses and perennial grasses, where people do not copy nature, but bring a sense of nature into the garden, the main idea of any garden is its emotional component. The use of ornamental grasses in urban landscaping has become widespread only in recent years. The advantages of cereals for wide use in the landscaping of urban spaces are shown. The peculiarities of the influence of urban development on the formation of the microclimate of biotopes are considered. To create a sustainable and livable urban space, it is necessary to balance the development of the city, taking into account all aspects of the influence of active construction. Scientific novelty. The types of grasses Miscanthus sinensis and Pennisetum alopecuroides studied by us are mainly decorative in terms of the shape and color of the leaves, and can be used to expand the range of species and varietal diversity for landscaping landscape objects. They have the ability to harmonize well with representatives of other types of plants, thanks to which they can be planted in mixed flower beds and mix borders. They can be recommended for wide use in the landscape design of objects of various purposes in city conditions. Practical relevance. The use of Miscanthus sinensis and Pennisetum alopecuroides for the modernization of the space of the transformed territory near the National Research Center “Institute of Biology and Medicine” of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University is shown. An analysis of the decorativeness of cereal plants in the newly created microspace was carried out and it was established that its seasonal dynamics are most clearly manifested in the summer, autumn and winter periods of the year. Individual components of decorativeness, in particular, the webbing of the leaf part and the shoots of inflorescences dominate under increased wind load on the microlandscape.


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How to Cite

Taran, N., Horupaha, V., Kosyk, O., & Batsmanova, L. (2024). CEREAL GRASSES OF THE GENERA MISCANTHUS AND PENNISETUM IN THE LANDSCAPE DESIGN OF URBAN SPACES. Theory and Practice of Design, (32), 227–236. https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-8151.2024.32.27

