


urban green spaces, transport infrastructure, landscaping of streets, tracks, public transport stops, ecological parking lots, vertical landscaping, parklets, mobile green gardens on bus roofs


The article describes the modern trends and main tendencies of landscaping the transport infrastructure objects (streets, sidewalks, tracks, transport stops and parking lots, buses, bridges, overpasses, buildings above roads) in an urbanized environment. The role of this landscaping for the artistic, aesthetic and ecological development of a modern smart city is highlighted. The goal is to investigate the current trends in the greening of transport infrastructure in an urbanized environment and to determine their role for the further ecological and aesthetic development of settlements. Methodology. A systematic approach and analysis of existing practices regarding greening of transport infrastructure facilities were applied; innovative approaches, modern trends, implemented nature-oriented landscaping projects of city transport network facilities. As a result of the conducted research, the main trends and prospective tendencies of greening of the transport structure were described and analyzed, such as greening of streets, tracks, sidewalks, vertical gardens, horizontal linear parks, bridges, tunnels, flyovers integrated into the green landscape, green public transport stops, greening of eco-parks and parking lots , and mobile green gardens on bus roofs. Scientific novelty. The main trends of greening of important transport facilities are defined and characterized, their role in the active development of ecologically stable smart cities is emphasized. Practical significance. The materials of the article provide practical recommendations for nature-oriented greening of transport infrastructure facilities in settlements.


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