


color, living space, interior color scheme, culture, symbolic meaning of colors, traditions, Japan, Finland, Germany, Ukraine


The article discusses the importance of colors for the population of several different countries of the world, the priorities in choosing the color scheme of residential interiors in these countries, common and distinctive features of the color scheme of interiors. The purpose of the study is to examine, compare and analyse the colour scheme of residential interiors in Japan, Germany, Finland and Ukraine. Methodology. The main methods of the study are the following: empirical, theoretical and empirical-theoretical. The empirical method includes observation, comparison, and generalisation. Theoretical methods include: ascent from the abstract to the concrete, abstraction, concretisation, identification and separation. Much of the work was carried out using empirical and theoretical methods, in particular, comparative analysis, induction, and deduction. Induction is the movement of knowledge from facts to a certain hypothesis. Deduction is the movement of knowledge from the general to the particular and the derivation of consequences from premises. Results. Of course, this study is not intended to cover all the peculiarities and subtleties of colour preferences of different peoples and cultures, but it does provide an understanding of some of the differences and commonalities in the colour scheme of residential interiors in several countries that were selected by the authors for comparison and analysis. This analysis is only the beginning, which allows us to see only the tip of the iceberg and requires further research. On the one hand, we have considered aspects of the colour scheme of interiors that emphasise the differences in cultures, climate, and materials favoured by designers and architects of the countries selected for analysis. On the other hand, the identified features are common to a number of interiors from different countries, which are a manifestation of common global trends in interior design that cross national borders. We have studied the colours used by designers to fill the living environment in Japan, Finland, Germany, and Ukraine. Scientific novelty. It has been found that the colour scheme of residential interiors in countries around the world depends on the history, cultural traditions, geographical location, natural and climatic features of different regions and reflects the national character and worldview of the people. Designers try to achieve harmony with the local nature and prefer natural colours as primary colours, while the accent colours are traditional colours for each country, which carry a certain positive symbolic meaning. Practical relevance. The peculiarities of the colour scheme of residential interiors in different countries, revealed by the study, can help practicing designers in designing more colourful interiors and conscious use of traditional symbolic colours characteristic of certain regions.


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How to Cite

Sidorova, O., & Skiba, S. (2024). ANALYSIS OF THE COLOR SCHEME OF RESIDENTIAL PREMISES. Theory and Practice of Design, (32), 165–173.

