


artificial intelligence, neural networks, visual art, photography, photo artist, ai artist


The purpose of the research is a comprehensive theoretical study and systematization of the directions of the using neural network and technologies of artificial intelligence in the art of photography, and definition of prospects of futher development and implementation of this tool in the profession of a photo artist Methodology. Testing and comprehensive comparative analysis of the capabilities of modern computer programs that use neurotechnology. A systematic analysis and generalization of scientific sources related to the research topic The results. The possibilities of artificial intelligence as s a means to create a photographic image of a commercial, mass and artistic nature have been studied. The existing variety of programs that use artificial intelligence are conditionally divided into those that provide technical assistance in photo processing, and those that are aimed at creating unique images generated with using a textual query, an original image, or their combination. An assessment of the capabilities of the most popular programs of each type are provided. Based on their careful analysis, the prospects for the development of photography genres are determined, and the issue of copyright for visual works created in collaboration between a photo artist and an artificial intelligence program are considered. The scientific novelty of the article consists in the introduction into scientific circulation of the concept of the typology of programs that use the means of artificial intelligence in visual art, the determination of ways of development of the genres of artistic photography and photography in general, partially or completely created with the help of the artificial intelligence Practical significance of the work is determined by the possibilities of using the results of the research in the formation of a holistic picture of the capabilities of the software tools and programms based on the artificial intelligence technologies in the profession of a photo artist


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How to Cite

Safronova, A., Safronova, O., & Safronov, V. (2024). NEURAL NETWORKS AS A TOOL OF A PHOTO ARTIST: CURRENT STATE AND THE PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT. Theory and Practice of Design, (32), 148–157.

